NuGet packages were added to these projects for Xamarin.Forms, Prism, and Prism.Unity along with all their dependencies. Select Prism Unity App (Forms) Visual C# fill in the name of your project/solution and click OKĪ new solution was created with a Portable Class Library (PCL) project labeled (Portable) and device-dependent projects (Android, iOS, Windows Phone). Here you will find all the templates available for a new Prism project/solution. select Installed > Templates > Visual C# > Prism. Now that we have the Template Pack installed, lets create a new solution. Locate the the extensions, click Download, and complete the installation. Go to Tools > Extensions and Updates select Online and search for Prism Template Pack. Let's start by installing it in Visual Studio. The easiest way to get a new solution up and running is with the Prism Template Pack. Getting started with Prism for Xamarin.Forms Creating a new solution Installing and using the Prism Template Pack